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Family Life

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning



Parenting Resources

Parenting Resources

Expectant Moms In Need Resources

Expectant Moms In Need Resources

Pro-Life Ministry

Pro-Life Ministry

Divorced and Separated Ministry

Divorced and Separated Ministry

Single Parents

Single Parents

Grief and Consolation Ministry

Grief and Consolation Ministry

Mental Illness/ Addiction Assistance

Mental Illness/ Addiction Assistance

Pornography Addiction

Pornography Addiction

Publications for Purchase

Publications for Purchase

Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Trafficking

Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Trafficking

Children of Divorce

Children of Divorce

End of Life Ministry

End of Life Ministry

Same-Sex Attraction Ministry

Same-Sex Attraction Ministry

Resources/Ministry for Persons With Disabilities

Resources/Ministry for Persons With Disabilities

Family Life Office

Andre McCarville

Maureen Roberts


Marriage Preparation

Welcome to the Marriage Preparation process for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown!

This sacramental preparation is an invitation to continue your faith journey, and to grow in a relationship with God and each other.

Step 1: Meet With a Priest or Deacon

Contact the priest or deacon who will witness your marriage as soon as you become engaged, or at least nine months before your proposed wedding date. You will be meeting with your priest/deacon several times.

The diocesan marriage directives require a premarital inventory of all couples before marriage. FOCCUS is one particular inventory that is used the most in our diocese, and across the country. This inventory is not a test – it is a discussion tool to help you communicate about the areas of your relationship that are strong and those that need work. A priest, deacon, or someone assigned by either gives instruction on taking this inventory online and schedules a follow-up session.

It is recommended that the FOCCUS inventory and follow-up session be done before you attend a Marriage Preparation Series.

Step 2: Attend Marriage Preparation Programs

Attendance at Marriage Preparation programs in the Diocese can be done 8 to 12 months before your wedding. You will learn about communication skills, finances, sexuality, Natural Family Planning, spirituality, becoming a “domestic church”, and many other helpful and important topics. You will also receive information on planning the wedding ceremony.

All of the following options fulfill the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown requirements. You only need to attend one option that suits your schedule.

Marriage Preparation Course

The Marriage Preparation Course is an invaluable series of two or three sessions designed to help engaged couples develop a better understanding of the sacrament; to evaluate and deepen their readiness to live married life; and to gain insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple.

Sessions are led by married couples, as well as a priest/deacon, and are held in various locations and dates throughout the diocese.

Engaged Couples Weekend

A weekend away with plenty of time together to develop a better understanding of the sacrament, to evaluate and deepen your readiness to live married life, and to gain insights into yourselves as both individuals and as a couple. The weekend gives you an opportunity to look at your commitment to each other in a deeper way as you prepare for a holy and lasting marriage. Includes informal presentations by a team which includes married couples, and acts as a great wedding gift from parents or friends.

No weekends are available in our diocese at this time. Weekends offered through Catholic Engaged Encounter are acceptable marriage preparation for our diocese. Dates and locations can be viewed here.

Sponsor Couple

A parish-based program in which an engaged couple meets with a married couple from the parish for a series of meetings. The Sponsor Couple shares their personal experience of marriage with the engaged couple through a couple-to-couple approach.

Arrange this meeting through your parish, if it is offered there.

For Those Separated By Distance

These options are accepted by the diocese if you are unable to attend any of the above programs:

  • Sponsor Couple
  • Marriage Preparation in your fiancé’s diocese
  • Engaged Encounter elsewhere
  • Online Marriage Preparation – contact the Family Life Office for more information

Remarriage Sponsor Couple

The issues facing couples entering a second marriage when one or both have been married before are more complex than first marriages. Preparation should be more comprehensive. Therefore, we offer a Remarriage Sponsor Couple program.

To register, email the Family Life office

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural, and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy.

NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally-occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy.

Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God’s design for married love!

Creighton NFP Model

Caroline Gindhart, MSN, NP-C

Altoona/State College Areas

Kara Lechene, PA-C

Northern Cambria Area

Billings Ovulation NFP Model

Elizabeth Mason, LSW

State College Area


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

WWME is the largest faith-based marriage enrichment organization in the world. They offer a peer-to-peer experience, typically over a weekend, though there are other options available, where married couples and priests can pause and reflect privately on the meaning of their vocations and are given the tools for nurturing their love.


(n.) the happiness of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation

Retrouvaille is a program solely dedicated to providing the necessary support to help save marriages, primarily through the Retrouvaille Retreat weekend and its follow-up support. Many struggling couples can be helped by learning the effective tools of communication offered in the Retrouvaille program.

Marriage Moments

Get weekly ideas on how to enhance your marriage delivered to your email! Contact to sign up!

Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart Retreats

Retreats for married couples in Cresson

Marital Counseling

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities provides a caring, professional response to individuals who find themselves experiencing emotional and spiritual life situations, such as depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, bereavement, marital and family conflicts, abuse or neglect, and more.


Based out of western Pennsylvania, the Catholic Counselors offer telecounseling services to families in need of help for marital struggles, parenting issues, addiction, depression, spiritual crises, and more.

Parenting Resources

Pexels Flora Westbrook 2547991

Parenting Pointers

Get diocesan parenting tip emails sent right to your email every week, for anything from ideas for strengthening your family to fun craft ideas!

Contact to sign up.

Springs In The Desert Cropped

Springs in the Desert

A website for those couples dealing with the challenge and grief of infertility

Accepting The Gift

Accepting The Gift

For children with special needs

Navigating the Internet and Media

Childhood 2.0

A secular movie about the difficulties and challenges children and parents face in the digital age.

Warning: Suggested for parents/teachers to preview this movie before sharing. Some material may not be appropriate for children.

Tech Talk (via CatholicMom)

Sharenting, Online Safety, and Your Children – Are you sharing too much about your children online?


A DNS-based content filtering service that offers a safe way to browse the web without surprises. It intercepts domain requests and filters sites that should be blocked, based on your filtering needs.

Blocks pornography and obscene/adult content, while still allowing Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and the rest of the web to load safely.

Catholic News Service Movie Reviews

Common Sense Media

A secular guide to age-appropriateness in movies and books for children.

Book Suggestions

Parenting With Grace: The Catholic Parents’ Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Kids

If I Have To Tell You One More Time Cover

If I Have To Tell You One More Time: The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding, or Yelling

Family Life Publications

Publications for Purchase from the Family Life Office

Strengthening Your Domestic Church (Family)

More2Life Podcast

A podcast on marriage and parenting from Catholic counselor Dr. Greg Popcak and his wife, Lisa.

An on-demand Catholic streaming service

CatholicHOM on Facebook

A Facebook page dedicated to helping Catholic parents in building and strengthening their domestic Church

Advice on Taking Young Children to Mass

Help For Blended Families

Family Spirituality

The Peyton Family Institute has a number of ideas, videos, and resources to foster Family Spirituality in the home.

Families and The Gospel ~ Reflections on Sunday Readings

Reprinted with permission: “A Family Perspective” by Bud Ozar

“Cell phones, emails, faxes, texts, and voice mails can reduce our lives to a continual series of interrupted moments. Listen to Jesus in today’s Gospel: ‘You are anxious about many things’ robbing us of the precious time needed to be with others. Quality time is quantity time.”

“Children learn by watching us. Do they see you helping others like the Good Samaritan, or do they see you avoiding others like the Levite in today’s gospel? Worry more about what your children see in your life than what they see on TV.”

“Just like the seventy two disciples sent out by Jesus in today’s gospel, families are expected to be missionaries. By our lives, words, and life style, we proclaim peace, commitment, fidelity, and respect to a culture caught up with violence and gratification.”

“Today’s Gospel reminds us once we set our ‘hand to the plow’ of parenting and marriage, ‘We cannot look back.’ This is what commitment means: we have said yes to what was, what is, and to what can be.”

“In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches we will find abundance by sharing the little we have. No matter how little time, money, or food we have, it is enough to share.”

June 12, 2022 – Trinity Sunday (John 16:12-15)

“The words of Jesus in today’s gospel, ‘I have many things to say to you, but you cannot hear them now,’ could have been said by any parent. It can be frustrating because our desire to guide is often misinterpreted or poorly received. We cannot program our children. We can only teach, lead, and trust the Spirit of truth will guide them.”

June 5, 2022 – Pentecost (John 14:15-16, 23b-26)

“Today’s Gospel tells us God actually wants to take up residence in your family. ‘We will come and make our home with you.’ Every family is called to be a tabernacle where God dwells. Is Jesus a permanent member of your family, or a temporary guest? Today, the promise is given. The choice is ours.”

May 29, 2022 – Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:20-26)

“Jesus tells us today, ‘you are my witnesses’ and guarantees the ‘promise of the Father’ to ‘clothe us with the power’ to accomplish this mission. It is not worldly power which dominates and manipulates. It is the power of the Kingdom of God to live in peace, forgiveness, compassion, service to others, love of enemies, and care for the poor and defenseless.”

May 26, 2022 – Ascension of the Lord (Luke 24:46-53)

“Jesus tells us today, ‘you are my witnesses’ and guarantees the ‘promise of the Father’ to ‘clothe us with the power’ to accomplish this mission. It is not worldly power which dominates and manipulates. It is the power of the Kingdom of God to live in peace, forgiveness, compassion, service to others, love of enemies, and care for the poor and defenseless.”

May 22, 2022 – Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 14:23-29)

“Jesus gives this advice: ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled.’ Worry and anxiety can consume our lives preventing us from seeing the love which surrounds us and binds us to one another. Don’t miss the forest for the trees. We are living today what we worried about yesterday.”

May 15, 2022 – Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 13:31-33a, 34-35)

“In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us: ‘Love one another.’ Love holds a family together. It is not what a family does which makes it outstanding, rather it is what it has, love for one another.”

May 8, 2022 – Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:27-30)

“Today’s Gospel reminds us to be shepherds for our children who depend on us to be their guides and role models. Where are we leading them? When they “hear our voice”, what message do they hear?”

May 1, 2022 – Third Sunday of Easter (John 21:1-19)

“Jesus invited the disciples to ‘Come and have breakfast.’ At this beach breakfast and at the Last Supper, Jesus teaches us meals should be more than eating. Family meals are opportunities to share prayer, listen to each other’s stories, understand, and support one another.”

April 24, 2022 – Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (John 20:19-31)

“Jesus connects peace and forgiveness in today’s Gospel. In our families, we will only ever experience peace to the extent we forgive one another. Peace is purchased with the currency of forgiveness. When we allow our anger and pride to lock out others, we also lock out peace and harmony.”

April 17, 2022 – Easter Sunday (John 20:1-9)

“Millions of Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection today. It all began simply on the first Easter with one person telling another: ‘Mary told Peter’ and ‘they believed.’ Faith is passed from one person to another; it is caught, not taught, and parents are the most effective persons to pass faith to their children.”

April 10, 2022 – Passion/Palm Sunday (Luke 22:14-23:56)

“Today, Jesus tells us, ‘I am among you as one who serves.’ In accepting the palm branch today, you publicly confirm your baptismal promise to follow Jesus as ‘one who serves.’ Selfless service defines a family as Christian.”

April 3, 2022 – Fifth Sunday of Lent (John 8:1-11)

“Stoning is not just an ancient act of violence. Each day in our homes we throw stones of ridicule, criticism, name-calling, and put-downs. All of it is deadly. Hear Jesus in today’s Gospel: ‘Whoever is without sin can throw the first stone.’ Rid your home of violence. Stop verbal stoning!”

March 27, 2022 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (Luke 15:1-3)

“We may feel like the Prodigal Son, but the Gospel wants us to focus on the father who was forgiving and understanding. We all make mistakes and need forgiveness. Who in your family needs your forgiveness and acceptance this Lent?”

March 20, 2022 – Third Sunday of Lent (Luke 13:1-9)

“The owner of the fig tree was impatient because the tree did not live up to his expectations. In families, there are those who don’t live up to our expectations. Imitate the gardener and give them more time and help. Don’t cut them out of your life. Love asks us to be connected, not productive.”

March 13, 2022 – Second Sunday of Lent (Luke 9:28b-36)

“Jesus ‘went up the mountain to pray’ and he was ‘changed.’ Prayer has the power to change us. This Lent, set aside a few minutes each day to pray for members of your family. Pray before each meal, and if you are married, spend five minutes in prayer together.”

March 6, 2022 – First Sunday of Lent (Luke 4:1-13)

“Jesus ‘was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.’ What is the wilderness in your life to which the Holy Spirit is leading you this Lent? Perhaps there are uncharted areas in your marriage or family relationships. Spend this Lent in your ‘wilderness’ with God’s work. Where is the Spirit leading you this Lent?”

February 27, 2022 – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6:39-45)

“Today, Jesus tells us: “Why do you seek the speck in someone else’s eye but miss the log in your own eye?’ It’s always easier to try to change someone else than face the things in ourselves which need change. What a waste of time, for we can’t change anyone but ourselves.”

February 20, 2022 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6:27-38)

“In studying the effects of religion upon family relationships, researchers inform us hostility and prayer can’t coexist. You cannot be hostile toward someone for whom you are praying. Today’s Gospel encourages us: ‘Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who treat you badly.’ “

February 13, 2022 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6:17, 20-26)

“Don’t look very far when you hear today’s Gospel speak of poverty, sorrow, or exclusion. These things happen in families. Children feel ‘insulted’ when they are constantly criticized. Spouses ‘hunger’ for affection. Grandparents feel ‘excluded’ by divorce and custody decisions. Parents ‘weep’ because they feel alienated from their children.”

February 6, 2022 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 5:1-11)

“In today’s Gospel, Jesus asked Simon to start by ‘going a short distance.’ Later, he asked Simon to ‘go into deeper water.’ The first step toward reconciliation is usually a ‘short distance’ which gives us the courage to go further ‘into deeper water.’ Reconciliation starts with the first short step!”

January 30, 2022 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 4:21-30)

“Mary and Joseph must have been proud when their village ‘all spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at his words.’ But they probably felt shame when the same people drove him out of town. Like Mary and Joseph, the highs and lows of parenting are our path to being a Holy Family.”

January 23, 2022 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-2)

“In today’s Gospel, Jesus was ‘praised by all’ except at home in Nazareth where the ‘eyes of all were intently on him.’ Acceptance can be hard to find at home due to unreal expectations. Jesus challenges us to ‘proclaim liberty’ to anyone ‘oppressed’ or ‘captive’ by our expectations.”

January 16, 2022 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (John 2:1-11)

“At Cana, we get a good insight into Mary’s parenting style. She did not plead, argue, demand, or manipulate. She merely pointed out the situation and trusted her son would make the best decision.”

January 9, 2022 – Baptism of the Lord (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22)

In today’s Gospel, Jesus was publicly affirmed by his Father: ‘You are my beloved son, with you I am very pleased.’ As parents, we can become so focused on misbehaviors, we overlook the good behaviors. Jesus needed affirmation and so do our children.”

January 2, 2022 – Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12)

“After meeting Jesus, the Magi returned home by ‘another way.’ What in your family needs to be done ‘another way?’ Do you need ‘another way’ to resolve differences, to communicate, or show affection? This is a new year, time to change what isn’t working. Take a tip from some wise men: there’s always ‘another way.’ “

January 1, 2022 – Mary, Mother of God (Luke 2:16-21)

“The Gospel tells us ‘Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.’ We would do well to imitate Mary in our New Year’s resolution. Instead of criticizing, let’s ‘keep it in our hearts.’ Criticism isn’t productive or well-received, anyway!”

Expectant Moms In Need Resources

Precious Life

Precious Life

A faith-based, non-profit organization which offers practical help to those impacted by unplanned pregnancies through their pregnancy care centers. They try to meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of women and their families, empowering them to make positive, life-affirming choices. Precious Life can provide resources to women in need, help them to choose life for their children, and to walk alongside each woman as she parents her child.

Altoona: (814) 944-2669
Bedford: (814) 494-0069
Johnstown: (814) 269-4391

The Gabriel Project

A confidential and compassionate outreach to women who are distressed over an unplanned pregnancy. In addition to providing emotional and spiritual support, the “Gabriel Angel” helps the expectant mom with various practical needs, including finding assistance with pre-natal care, maternity and baby clothes, cribs, strollers, and various baby items, referrals for housing, medical care and counseling, and parenting support or adoption information.

State College/Ebensburg: (814) 867-5511
Johnstown: (814) 539-0155
Fulton County Catholic Mission: (717) 485-5917

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities’ goals are to promote a woman’s physical and mental well-being during her pregnancy and postnatal period, to improve the physical well-being of the unborn child and newborn, and to encourage adoption as an option for women who choose not to parent their newborn child.

Moms House Logo

Mom's House of Johnstown

Mom’s House provides high quality child care to single parents, often at no cost but to volunteer at the center. This enables the parents to get an education or further their career so as to care for their children. There is also counseling, tutoring, and advocacy support offered by the program.


A non-profit charitable organization that has been providing love and support for over 50 years to women facing unplanned pregnancies. They offer information on pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, prenatal care, community programs, parenting skills, and child care. They can refer for medical support, financial resources, housing, legal and social assistance, and professional counseling. They can also offer on-hand pregnancy tests, as well as maternity and baby items. All services are free, non-judgmental, and confidential.

Healing From an Abortion: Project Rachel

Respect Life

When a Friend is Considering Abortion (via

Every Life Matters Pregnancy Support Services

Provides free and confidential pregnancy confirmation, ultrasounds, and support services to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies. All services are free and confidential.

Tyrone: (814) 650-7899

Pro-Life Ministry

Baby Adult Hand Holding

A comprehensive collection of resources for many different pro-life issues.

On the Care of the Critically and Terminally Ill

The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith released a letter entitled Samaritanus bonus: On the Care of Persons in the Critical and Terminal Phases of Life, which beautifully addresses several important topics related to wholistic, Christ-centered care of those who are sick and dying

Catholic Social Teaching

Themes of Catholic Social Teaching

The Church’s overall vision for building a just society

Catholics and Voting

Forming consciences for Faithful Citizenship

Walking With Moms In Need

A pastoral plan to help moms who find themselves in unexpected or crisis pregnancy situations

How Americans Understand Abortion

Ave Maria Press Podcast

How Americans Understand Abortion and What It Means for the Church

When a Friend is Considering Abortion (via

How To Talk to a Friend Who Has Had an Abortion

National Catholic Bioethics Center

The Dangers of Physician-Assisted Suicide

US Bishops Statement on Physician-Assisted Suicide

Project Rachel - Healing From An Abortion

Heartbeat International

Divorced and Separated Ministry

Divorce Questions

Questions and Answers About Divorce in the Catholic Church

Questions and Answers About Annulments in the Church

Programs, Books, Workshops, and Inspirations for Those Who Have Been Divorced

Faith Journeys

Faith Journeys

How to start a ministry for children of divorce

Adult Children

Retreats for adults who are dealing with the pain of their parents’ divorce

Beginning a Ministry to Those Who Have Been Divorced

Single Parents

Single Parent Ministry

Ideas for Ministry to Single Parents

Book Study and Ministry Ideas

How to Glorify God as a Catholic Single Parent

Grief and Consolation Ministry

Blair County

Saint Michael the Archangel Parish, Hollidaysburg
Mary Jo Lanzel
(814) 934-6793

Centre County

Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Bellefonte
Barbara Materna, Bereavement Support
(814) 359-0354

Cambria County

Holy Name Parish, Ebensburg
Sister Margie McGuire, CCW
(814) 472-8315

Our Mother of Sorrows Grief Ministry, Johnstown
Diana Tyger
(814) 535-7646

My Loved One Has Just Died. What Do I Do Now?

Free Bereavement Counseling in the Area

Grane Hospice Care

Grane Hospice Care

Offers counseling to anyone in the community, regardless of whether they have used their hospice services. Contact Head of Counseling, Mike Larrimore: / 1-800-379-0129

Interim Hospice Care

Offers counseling to anyone in the community, regardless of whether they have used their hospice services. Contact Chaplain Services, Stephanie Betsa: / (814) 262-8305

The Healing Patch

A peer support program based in Altoona and Ebensburg, designed specifically for children and their families who have suffered the death of a loved one, such as a parent, sibling, grandparent, or close family member.

Professional Counseling Services

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities provides a caring, professional response to individuals who find themselves experiencing emotional and spiritual life situations, such as depression, anxiety, other mental health issues, bereavement, marital and family conflicts, abuse or neglect, and more.

Catholic Counselors of America

Rose Trexler, a compassionate counselor in Cambria County, offers counseling services in the areas of depression, anxiety, and anger issues: (814) 505-7178


Based out of western Pennsylvania, the Catholic Counselors offer telecounseling services to families in need of help. They can offer help for marital struggles, parenting issues, addiction, depression, spiritual crises, and more.


Project Rachel Healing

Catholic Miscarriage Support

Offers practical and spiritual support for Catholics who have lost a child to miscarriage.

Heaven's Treasure Box

Red Bird Ministries

Red Bird was founded on helping parents address the profound healing that needs to happen while also honoring the memory of the child. Attention is given to protect the individual, the marriage, and other relationships from a spectrum of issues that can compound and lead to dysfunction.

Springs In The Desert Cropped

Springs In The Desert

A website for those couples dealing with the challenge and grief of infertility.

Mental Illness/Addiction Assistance

Catholic Charities

If you or a family member have needs related to addiction, Catholic Charities’ counselors can offer help and support.

Catholic In Recovery

A website dedicated to Catholics who are struggling with addiction and looking for freedom through the Grace of God in the 12-step process.

SAMHSA National Hotline

Pornography Addiction

Create In Me A Clean Heart

A pastoral statement from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the widespread problem of pornography in our culture today.

Integrity Restored

Integrity Restored

The mission at Integrity Restored is to help restore the integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been affected by pornography addiction. Integrity Restored provides education, training, encouragement, and resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure, which is so devastating in the lives of our children. It is also a resource that trains and helps clergy in assisting families at the parish level.

Fight The New Drug

A secular response to the problem of pornography.

Friend Who Had Abortion

Resources For Men and Women Struggling With Pornography Addiction

Publications For Purchase

Out of the Darkness,
Into The Dawn

Practical and spiritual ideas for grieving persons and families. Focuses on grieving as a normal process of healing. Includes a section with questions for individual reflection or group discussion. (55 Pages)

Holiday Spirituality
in the Home

The ideal guide for families and individuals in search of spiritual and festive home practices. Contains traditions, activities, home rituals, and holiday legends from Thanksgiving to the Epiphany. (53 Pages)

Lenten Ashes

Lent and Easter at Home

The ideal guide for families and individuals in search of spiritual home practices focusing on the Lent and Easter seasons. Contains popular traditions, rituals, and devotional activities. (40 Pages)

Baby Adult Hand Holding

Heaven's Treasure Box

This ministry attempts to reach out to families who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage or early fetal death by providing them with spiritual tools to help them to grieve their child.

Pexels Flora Westbrook 2547991

Passing on the Faith

Parent resource for married and single parents, Catholic and Christian interfaith couples, parents already strong in their faith practice, and those wondering where to begin.

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