The Church wants to hear from you!

We are being invited to share our ideas and experiences on how we can better live out the mission of Jesus Christ. Everyone is invited to participate, regardless of your relationship with the Church.
Our goal is to listen both to the Holy Spirit and to one another, in order to understand how we can better engage and teach about Christ. All of the responses from around the diocese will conclude in a public document outlining what we have heard and how we can act going forward, which will be shared with Pope Francis.
Everyone is invited to participate,
regardless of your relationship with the Church
or if you haven’t been practicing the faith.
Our listening in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will conclude in a document outlining what we have heard and our actions going forward. This synod gives us a chance to pray, listen, and act. The diocesan phase, which will conclude with a summary, will be sent to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and will be available in late Summer 2022.